"no matter if in the process, hundreds of thousands are impacted by war, starvation or economic instability"...these people are incredibly evil. They don't care how many ordinary human beings suffer and die. "They" look upon us as ants.

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This is treason. These people need to be removed and put in or under the prison. Crimes against humanity is only the beginning and f these evil plans.

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Not treason to the USA: quite the opposite. Treason to humanity, perhaps.

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Before i begin sharing this and making noise of it, i would like to know how this leaked doc has been confirmed. Is it real or fake?

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The doc was provided by someone I consider to be a credible source, from within Germany and at a level that would and should have access to this. They leaked it because the German government has this, is aware and is very angry that the US would resort to these tactics. I hope to have more to say in regards to the source in the coming days and it will be revealed here in a future article.

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Welllllllllll....... ;)

RUSSIAsteria: Best Nord Stream Didn't Kill Itself Memes (And We Know Who Did It!)

- Nord Stream had information that would have led to Hillary Clinton's arrest, we know who did it, love the smell of gas in the morning and more Nord Stream memes as the pipeline did not kill itself!


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Rand corp is coming out and saying it's fake.

"Fake Rand Report on Weakening Germany"

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Of course they are... I would expect nothing else.

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These plans are in line with the so called “Wolfowitz Doctrine” which made it policy to prevent any country from surpassing the US in terms of economic or military superiority.

Instead of building ourselves up, we strive to keep others down. Are you in on this policy?

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NeoCons and Neo Liberals a match made in Hell 🔥

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This was not written by a native speaker. Obvious fake. It's Russian propaganda, and pretty unsophisticated at that.

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I don't mean to boast, but I earned my PhD in Philosophy & Linguistics, 2012; & I earned Undergraduate degrees in both English & Philosophy. & I have read the Rand Corporation's Publications for over a decade (no; I don't have a life...). I'm also a bonafide American — & as such, I'm pretty well informed with respect to US History. That includes knowledge of a lot of horrible things we have done; the legitimate things we have done; & the distorted, wild conspiratorial type things we have allegedly done. ...I also studied German for a year — Ja! — & I studied French for two years — Uhh...Une moment, s'il vous plais! ...Qua?! Merde!! Je ne comprend pas le française?!!

Now, with all that in mind...What do I think of this alleged Rand Publication? ...Is the United States carrying out super secret & devilish misdeeds against Germany & other Allies, France of particular note? Let's see here...I would call this a ~99.999% fanciful fabrication; & no, the US isn't conspiring against Germany nor France.


— It's the wrong target; Americans aren't obsessed w Germany; Russians are obsessed w Germany. Add the French to that...? I mean, c'mon? Really?!

— The Rand Corporation wouldn't have made the mistake on the status of France & its Nuclear Power facilities.

— The Rand Corporation is an apolotical entity.

— The Rand Corporation doesn't just toss out hyper-specific analysis mid-January & write it down to throw on the President's desk to say "there's the next 6 mf months...at least! ...For real!"

— The language was off.

— Even cartoon villains don't write such overtly villainous plans! The Rand Corporation is a bureaucracy writing scholarly analysis. It's not an exciting read & it's certainly more than ~3pages of writing; ...I mean, look at how long this comment is alone! This is all off the cuff!

So, I'm sorry. The World just isn't that exciting; the Rand Corporation isn't even close to exciting. The document is not real...although, good try though! Just try much harder next time...

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Well, for someone who doesn't like to boast, you did a damn fine job. During all that Rothchild's controlled education, what did you learn about the Khazarian Mafia and their hatred for Russians- all humanity, actually, but Russians in particular? Maybe the Rand Corp is just another psyop, maybe it is legit- although I would not put money on it, especially if it is associated with Khazarian controlled CIA and other KM entities. I speak one language, no PhD and have learned more about the world and it's history in the last 3 years than I ever learned in school or after. One thing I am happy about though, is that I did NOT spend years of my life and put hundreds of thousands of dollars into the pockets of globalists, for an insanely expensive degree, only to find out that most of that higher education was lies and programming. So, that's one big regret I used to have, but am now grateful the opportunity was not available for me. Without that "formal" education/indoctrination, I do feel I am far more willing to learn new things, accept new ideas without the attitude or influence placed upon me by globalist agendas.

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If Germany is destabilised, the EU will fall apart.

Any idea what means financially?

The idea has always been to prevent an alliance between Russia and Germany. - > manpower, military strategy, rationality paired with engeneering skill and diligence - a combination that does not go down well in certain countries.

There is an awful lot more involved in European and world history than having learned a few languages and living in a country that is responsible for most of the wars after WW2. Too simple and does not qualify.

The European history is extremely complex and cannot be summarised in one comment, just like the history and connections of other countries.

Whether the document is valid or not doesn't matter any longer. Unless the present uneducated,, as well as incompetent German government is not stopped, Germany will be destabilised and hence the EU. Above all, the Euro will fall. How convenient 🤔

Germany is the THE financial contributor to the EU. Wipe out Germany and see what happens.. not.

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You are absolutely right! Whether the document is legit or not, the fact remains that this is exactly what is happening right now. And given the current WH administration and how it is operating, against its country's interests, it is no coincidence that it would be capable of the scenario described...this is a globalist and strategic enterprise. The Shorenstein Center, Rand Corporation, The Council for Foreign Relations, to name only a few, are think tanks 'groomed' to come up with these plans. Also the ones who run these networks are bent on breaking down Europe for a Great Reset...And the Ukraine War and how it started, how it is financed and to what ends, speaks volumes. There are no apolitical agencies these days, it would be naive to think that NGO's do not have a philanthropic donor who controls some part of another governments resources or social construct. In fact this 'executive summary' is being played out to a T...coincidence or not, it is the reality.

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"There are no apolitical agencies these days, it would be naive to think that NGO's do not have a philanthropic donor who controls some part of another governments resources or social construct."

Exactly! Even MSF (Doctors without borders) were screaming for the take-down of Moamar Qaddafi 11 years ago, and for what? Don't even get me started on NED.

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I don't think RAND qualifies as an apolitical entity, because for example a report they released in 2019 said that a vulnerability of Russia was "increasing authoritarianism under Vladimir Putin's now-continued rule", so they seem to portray authoritarianism as a negative feature of a system of government (https://www.rand.org/content/dam/rand/pubs/research_briefs/RB10000/RB10014/RAND_RB10014.pdf). In the same report, they clearly presented an anti-Russian and pro-American bias. They wrote that one option to weaken Russia was to provide military aid to Ukraine: "Providing lethal aid to Ukraine would exploit Russia's greatest point of external vulnerability. But any increase in U.S. military arms and advice to Ukraine would need to be carefully calibrated to increase the costs to Russia of sustaining its existing commitment without provoking a much wider conflict in which Russia, by reason of proximity, would have significant advantages."

And they wrote the following (which foreshadowed the Defender Europa excercises of 2020 which represented the largest-scale deployment of American troops in Europe since the 90s): "Increasing the size and frequency of NATO exercises in Europe may help to enhance readiness and deterrence, but it is unlikely to prompt a costly Russian response unless the exercises also send risky signals. Largescale NATO exercises held near Russia's borders and exercises that practice counterattack or offensive scenarios could be perceived as showing the intent and willingness to consider offensive operations. For example, a NATO exercise simulating a counterattack to retake NATO territory lost to advancing Russian forces might look like an exercise to prepare for an invasion of a piece of Russian territory, such as Kaliningrad."

And they wrote: "Undermining Russia's image abroad would focus on diminishing Russian standing and influence, thus undercutting regime claims of restoring Russia to its former glory. Further sanctions, the removal of Russia from non-UN international forums, and boycotting such events as the World Cup could be implemented by Western states and would damage Russian prestige."

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To find the culprit when a crime has been committed all one has to do is find out who benefits from it, or to quote Senator Cicero: "Qui bono?"

- The United States of America benefits from the destruction of Nordstream I & II as described in the document.

- The United States of America benefits from the destruction of the German economy as described in the document.

- The United States of America benefits even more from the destruction of the entire EU economy as described in the document.

- The United States of America would benefit exponentially more from the destruction and Balkanization of Russia.

- The United States of America would achieve its main goal which is the destruction and Balkanization of China.

The document describes events that have already happened, and inevitable events one would have to have a child's mind to deny.

I can name more alleged fake documents that have turned out to be true, but like this one they read like short history books of the months, years and decades after they were leaked.

Adolf Hitler didn't get as far as the United States of America has. Is this really what any sane person wants?

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Everyone with a tiny little strategic brain has known the consequences [for Germany] of a proxy war NATO-Russia for ages. Then the US Media asked Scholz again and again about Nord Stream 2 cancellation in January. McConnell (I believe) said Scholz assured him privately it’s cancellation.

As Lord Ismey, 1. NATO Secretary general said: “keep the Soviet Union [Russia] out, the Americans in, and the Germans down.”

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ANSA = Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs

and WHCS = (most likely White House Chief of Staff

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Redpill indeed, the usual pot stirring from our Commi brothers. Making something out of nothing. The whole aim of these articles is to sow discontent amongst the western civilian populations. Death by a thousand cuts the chinese call it. Cant believe I wasted my time reading it. So many friends think this is the secret info and theyre all clued up by repeating it. How about going out and talking and reading from and with primary sources yourselves and come up with your own opinions rather than just parroting this BS. Haha. seriously. Learn about primary sources and then go find them and get informed. Dont be a sheep. A let someone else do your thinking.

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The distribution list is hilarious. The DNC? The CIA? The NSA?

My question is why was SHIELD and the Justice League left off the distribution?

If you find anything here convincing or believable, you are a very gullible person. This is a laughable fake for the true-believers who suspend any disbelief as long as the message fits what they want to be true.

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The Rand Corporation report is from Jan 2022. Russia has made 2 presentations before the U.N. since then declaring the DNC being a player in the bioweapons laboratories the Russian military has taken down. The U.S. DoD confessed that there are (were) 46 U.S. DoD funded laboratories in Ukraine. Victoria Nuland coyly admitted to some labs. I too am a sceptic, but this is beginning to look like a trail to me.

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Where did you get it from? Names omitted of course.

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Is the document genuine?

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Looks like a fake to be honest.

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Thanks Zak for all you do. JMDougan has been such a treasure for given us the truth in Ukraine.

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From the comments in this discussion, and any evidence so far supplied, it is not possible to decide whether this document is genuine or fake. I honestly do not know. However, Redpill78 writes the most useful comment: "The doc was provided by someone I consider to be a credible source, from within Germany and at a level that would and should have access to this. They leaked it because the German government has this, is aware and is very angry that the US would resort to these tactics." If that is the case, the question has to be: How on earth (or beyond) would the German government get access to a document of such secret nature, and surreptitious intent? So I ask: Does the German government REALLY know about this? I do no know, but a recent report in Guardian (https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/sep/13/ukraines-advances-pose-question-for-world-can-kyiv-actually-win) quotes Olaf Scholz as saying (29 August) "When, if not now, are we going to build a sovereign Europe? Who, if not us, can protect the values of Europe?” I have no idea what the original was in German, but the English translation seems to me to be a masterpiece of studied ambiguity. Was he saying ‘We need to protect Europe and Ukraine against Russia?' Perhaps. But the most important part of Russia is also Europe; and he also writes not of the EU or of Europe, but of 'European values’. Perhaps he is saying, to those in Germany who understand him (and also to Vladimir Putin), “We want NATO and the USA to get out of Europe; Let a European problem be solved by Europeans’ After all, the MInsk agreements involved Russia, Ukraine, Germany and France, not I believe NATO or the USA; and that might be the reason why those agreements failed.

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I’ve seen a lot of reports and most corporations have reports that appear a lot more polished.

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